Are you expecting? These are the most common pregnancy symptoms

Congratulations, you’re pregnant! The moment you discover you’re pregnant often brings a mix of emotions. You’ve likely heard other pregnant women complain about the various discomforts that can arise during pregnancy. A lot changes in your body, often leading to pregnancy symptoms.

What exactly happens in your body, and what symptoms can you expect?

Here’s a list of the most commonly mentioned pregnancy symptoms:

1. Nausea
The body produces more of the hormones estrogen and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), especially in the early stages of pregnancy. Due to these hormonal fluctuations, you’re likely to experience nausea regularly. This is often noticed in the morning but can persist throughout the day and usually begins around the sixth week of your pregnancy.

2. Fatigue
Fatigue during pregnancy can have various causes, such as surging hormones, emotional stress, and the energy your body expends on your baby’s growth. Pregnant women often need more sleep, and this is normal.

3. Headaches
Hormonal fluctuations, changes in blood circulation, and increased blood volume often lead to headaches during pregnancy. Stress and fatigue also play a role.

4.  Back pain
This is a common complaint during pregnancies caused by the extra weight the growing uterus puts on the back muscles. Another cause of back pain during pregnancy is hormonal changes that loosen joint ligaments. Back pain is most common in the second and third trimesters.

5. Constipation
Hormones significantly affect all changes in your body, including your digestion. Some pregnant women experience a slow digestive system, resulting in constipation. The growing uterus also affects the intestines.

6. Heartburn
During pregnancy, you may experience heartburn. This is caused by the hormone progesterone, which relaxes muscles. If this also happens at the sphincter between your stomach and esophagus, it leads to heartburn. This occurs most frequently after eating. Therefore, avoid large meals before bedtime and remain upright after eating.

7.  Swollen ankles and feet
It’s common to retain fluid during pregnancy, especially in the ankles and feet. Increased pressure on blood vessels can also lead to varicose veins. Reduce swelling by elevating your legs and moving regularly.

8. Mood swings
Mood swings also result from hormonal changes, affecting neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters are substances that transmit signals in the brain between nerve cells or muscle cells, such as adrenaline and dopamine. This may cause you to suddenly feel very happy or very irritable without apparent reason.

9. Tender breasts
Many pregnant women experience sensitive, swollen, and/or painful breasts. This is a natural part of pregnancy as the body prepares for breastfeeding.

10. Sleep problems
Many of the above pregnancy symptoms also make it challenging to sleep well. Back pain, frequent urination, and a growing belly make sleeping difficult. Trying extra pillows and reducing coffee intake is worth a shot.

Pregnancy symptoms per trimester

Many women experience one or more of the above pregnancy symptoms during their pregnancy. Not all women experience the same symptoms or to the same extent; every pregnancy is unique! Pregnancy lasts an average of 40 weeks, divided into three periods of three months (trimesters). Your body and baby undergo significant changes during each trimester, and some pregnancy symptoms are more prevalent in specific trimesters:

  • First trimester (week 1 to 12)
    This is often considered the toughest period, with various unpleasant pregnancy symptoms. Think of nausea, fatigue, stress, tender breasts, frequent urination, cravings, and mood swings. A lot happens physically and mentally in the early stages of your pregnancy.
  • Second trimester (week 13 to 27)
    During these weeks, your baby grows rapidly, as does your belly. For many women, this is the most enjoyable phase of pregnancy. The discomforts of the first trimester diminish or disappear, although the significant changes in this period still affect your body. Typical pregnancy symptoms for the second trimester include back pain, dizziness, leg cramps, pregnancy brain fog, hemorrhoids, stuffy nose, ligament pain, and insomnia.
  • Third trimester (week 28 to 40)
    In these final months, your baby becomes four times as heavy. As a result, you may experience new pregnancy symptoms such as heartburn, constipation, varicose veins, pelvic instability, a hard belly, and urinary leakage. The countdown has begun.

Alleviating pregnancy symptoms with chiropractic care

Despite most symptoms being a natural part of pregnancy, there are also discomforts that chiropractic care can help alleviate. For example, if you experience lower back pain, it is usually due to a change in the mobility of the pelvis. With chiropractic treatments, we optimize the function of the spine, pelvis, ligaments, and muscles. Other pregnancy symptoms we address include pelvic instability, sciatica, pain around the tailbone, neck pain, headaches, and shoulder pain.

A relaxed pregnancy
Avant Garde Chiropractic uses special, gentle pregnancy techniques. Whether you’ve just found out you’re pregnant or are in the final weeks, you can be treated in all stages of your pregnancy. With a healthy, balanced body, you are better prepared for all the ‘discomforts’ of pregnancy, stay flexible, and approach your delivery more confidently. All our chiropractors specialise in treating pregnant women and has already helped many expectant mothers.

Are you pregnant and curious about the benefits of chiropractic care? Would you like to reduce your pregnancy symptoms naturally? Schedule an appointment quickly; a referral from your general practitioner is not necessary.

Our treatment methods are 100% safe for both mother and baby!

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