Bethan Phipps
Bethan Phipps graduated cum laude from the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic in Bournemouth, United Kingdom with a Master of Chiropractic (Mchiro). In recent years she has worked in England and the Netherlands as a chiropractor. Her passion is cycling through nature, doing yoga, spending time on the beach with her family and friends, cooking and of course staying fit and healthy.
Bethan was introduced to Chiropractic through her father. As a result of a parachute accident with the Royal Marines, he suffered whiplash that caused a severe hernia in the neck. Chiropractic care enabled him to return to work. For example, at a young age, Bethan became fascinated by the effect of the treatments and a medicine-free, holistic approach, after which she decided to study Chiropractic.
Bethan Phipps

Bethan’s specialty in Avant-Garde Chiropractic
Bethan, in addition to regular patients, treats many mothers, babies and children. For Bethan, this is also her specialty: pregnancy and paediatrics, from expectant mother with baby still in the womb to the first weeks as an infant to toddler/preschooler.
Before specializing as a pediatric specialist, Bethan trained in SOT (Sacral Occipital Therapy) through Williams seminars and obtained a diploma from the IAFNR (International Association of Functional Neurology and Rehabilitation). The focus is on ADHD, Autism, ADD, OCD, Tourettes & Dyslexia. She is also certified in the Webster technique for the treatment of pregnant women through the ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatrics Association).
Bethan is a Fellow of The International Board of Functional Neurology for Childhood Neurodevelopment Disorders for Healthcare (FIBFN-CND-H).