
What is a bursa?

A bursa is fluid filled sack that are found between tendons and bones of a joint. Bursas allow the joint to move smoothly, without the tendon rubbing over the bone joint. Inflammation of the bursa is called bursitis. Since this protective pad is located close to the attachment of the tendon to the bone, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish bursitis from tendonitis. After all, both disorders give similar complaints.

Bursitis can impede your life significantly. Sometimes the pain can be so severe that you can barely function. Since bursae occur all over the body, this condition can develop in many joints.

The bursae that become most inflamed are in the shoulder, knee, hip, elbow and ankle. This condition is as common in women as it is in men.

What are the symptoms of bursitis?

The symptoms of bursitis depend on the joint where the inflammation is located. Still, there are a number of general features of bursitis that you can note. Read below.

What are the most common symptoms of bursitis?

  • Pain in the joint
  • Redness around the joint
  • Difficulty moving the joint
  • Swelling in the joint

Chiropractic and bursitis

The treatment of bursitis often consists of muscle relaxing techniques in combination with relaxation of the connective tissue around the bursa. In addition, we use manipulations and mobilisations to restore the function of the hip joint, pelvis and lower back or neck, shoulder and elbows.

It may also be necessary to apply muscle stretches, trigger point therapy or dry needling. The research makes it clear which muscles do not function properly. To correct this, we provide targeted functional exercises, with which recovery accelerates and reduces the chance of relapse.

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