Joint complaints

Joint complaints

any people suffer from joint complaints. A joint is the hinge between two bones pulled by muscles to create a certain movement desired by the brain. Some of the larger joints are hip, knee and elbow. Smaller joints include hands, fingers, knee, toes and between the vertebrae. 

Joint complaints are often caused by overloading, overwork, osteoarthritis or inflammation of the joint. The pain can start minimally, but can progressively get worse. For example, if you work every day at the computer in the wrong position, you might be suffering from niggling complaints but you can still do your job. A ‘mouse arm’ is a problem that arises from a repetition of movement, in this case a lot of typing and scrolling with a mouse. Sometimes joint complaints do not come from the joint itself, but from the tendons, muscles, cartilage, the joint capsule or inflamed skin. If you do nothing, the pain will worsen, probably spread further and begin to affect your work and other daily activities.

Causes of joint complaints

Joint complaints are often multifactorial and involve multiple structures – not only the joints. For example, if you are overweight, you may suffer from your knee joints. There is nothing wrong with your knees at that moment, but the pain does manifest itself there. Another example: a problem in the shoulder joint can be felt in the muscles of your upper arm.

Joint complaints often arise gradually due to overload, but also a sudden wrong movement – such as during exercise – and this can leads to joint complaints. Another cause are repetitive movements which can eventually strain the tissue and create inflammation (swelling).

The most common joint complaints:

Symptoms joint complaints

The pain in your joints is a signal from the body that something is wrong. By ignoring the pain with, for example, by taking painkillers, nothing is solved but the pain might be briefly abated.

These symptoms are common with joint complaints:

  • Stiff and painful joints
  • Difficulty moving the joint
  • Sharp, stabbing pain in movement
  • Certain movements no longer possible
  • Difficulty sleeping due to the pain

Why Avant-Garde Chiropractie?

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within Haarlem and surroundings. All ages are welcome!

We look past the symptoms

To find the underlying cause. We do not focus on temporary pain relief, but a solution for your complaint.

Specialised in various techniques

Such as chiropractic manipulations, Applied Kinesiology, Sacral Occipital technique (SOT), dry needling, shockwave therapy, IAMFR connective tissue release and kinesiotaping.

Affiliated with a professional association (DCF)

Which ensures that you are assured of professional, safe treatments that are reimbursed by health insurers (additional coverage)

Experienced chiropractors with different specialisations

Under one roof for top athletes, pregnant women, children and babies.

No referral needed

From your GP to make an appointment.

Tendon complaints / tendonitis (inflammation of tendon)

When muscles become overloaded, your tendons can start to irritate and inflame. This results in tendon complaints or tendonitis. Unfortunately, tendonitis occurs regularly and can last for a longer period of time. Tendon complaints or tendonitis can occur in different parts of the body, both in your upper and lower body. Most tendon complaints occur in the shoulder, knee, heel and elbow. In order to recover as quickly and well as possible, it is important to find out the cause of the tendon complaint is.

Frozen shoulder

With a frozen shoulder, there is inflammation in the shoulder joint. As a result, the capsule around the joint shrinks and thickens, with the creation of scar tissue. The shoulder becomes stiff and movement becomes more difficult. Everyday activities such as washing, dressing and cooking become difficult or even impossible. A frozen shoulder develops gradually and goes through three stages:
1. The ‘freezing phase’
2. The ‘frozen phase’
3. The ‘defrosting phase’

These three phases of a frozen shoulder can last in as much as three years. With the help of a chiropractor, you will often much recover faster.

RSI – pain in the wrist, elbow, shoulder

The letters RSI stand for Repetitive Strain Injury. These injuries to hands, wrists, arms, shoulders and/or neck are caused by repeating the same small movements over and over again. RSI is a collective name for a number of disorders. Doctors often speak of ‘tennis elbow’, ‘mouse arm’ or ‘carpal tunnel syndrome’. RSI can be recognised by tingling and sensitive hands, wrists, arms, neck or shoulders. In the initial stage, the RSI complaints are only present during and just after working. Do you suffer from RSI? Do not wait too long to take action, because RSI complaints can progress quickly.

Bursitis (pain in the shoulder, elbow, hip and knee)

A bursa is a fluid filled sack that help a joint to move smoothly, allowing a tendon to glide over a bony joint. Inflammation of the bursa is called bursitis. The cause of bursitis is usually an injury to the bursa or physical overload of the joint. Due to a fall, the bursa can become irritated and inflamed. A bursitis can be recognised by symptoms such as (pressure) pain, heat, redness, restriction of movement and localised swelling. Sometimes it takes months before the symptoms disappear and can reoccur.

Meniscus complaints (knee)

Irritation of the meniscus often occurs after an injury, direct trauma or twisting of the knee. The knee has two menisci: the inner (medial) and the outer (lateral) meniscus. The meniscus is located in the knee joint and provides shock absorption cushion and stability to the joint. Pain complaints are often caused by a tear or irritation of the meniscus.
Most injuries to the meniscus occur during exercise. The knee suddenly seems to jump ‘locked’ and can no longer be stretched without pain. Often bending is also painful. Older people are more likely to have meniscus complaints. This is because the tissue becomes less elastic, causing a meniscus to tear faster.

Chiropractic for joint complaints

Do you want to move, work, exercise and carry out your hobbies effortlessly again? Get rid of those limiting joint complaints? Not only now, but also in the future. Chiropractic is a safe and effective treatment method, many satisfied clients have preceded you. From baby to 65+, everyone is welcome. We are happy to help you!

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