
What is Sciatica?

Sciatica is nerve pain that occurs because the large leg nerve – also called Sciatica nerve – when the nerve is irritated, inflamed or damaged. This is the longest and thickest nerve in the body. It runs from the lower back through the back of the thigh all the way to the foot.

Sciatica is mainly caused by the incorrect loading of the back, a hernia or by osteoarthritis of the spine. This creates pressure on the nerve which often results in low back pain. The pain can also radiate to the buttock or leg. Sciatica pain can be nagging or stabbing and sometimes extends all the way to the lower leg or even the foot.

  • Acute back pain
  • Sharp and shooting pain
  • Stiffness
  • Restriction of movement of the low back
  • Radiating pain (in the buttocks/thighs)
  • Prolonged sitting is painful
  • Not being able to get up from a seated position

Usually the pain remains only in the lower back, buttock and upper leg. Fortunately, sciatica can be treated well with chiropractic.

Chiropractic and sciatica

How we can help you

Chiropractic treatments usually make sciatica easy to remedy. Corrective actions prevent further damage to the intervertebral discs and nerves and promote recovery. Chiropractic aims to improve poor posture, increase the mobility of the spine and restore the function of the irritated nerves.

This is done by using chiropractic techniques. One of the techniques is chiropractic manipulation. With the hands, pressure is put on the joint and thereby set in motion. The freedom of movement of the joint is restored and the pain decreases. We will also utilise ‘flexion distraction’ techniques, and a multitude of tissue techniques to promote healing.

In addition to chiropractic treatment of the spine, the chiropractor will also recommend special exercises. These exercises promote the healing process, provided they are performed regularly. Together we work on better health.

What are the causes of sciatica?

  • Injuries due to an accident or trauma
  • Prolonged sitting in the wrong position
  • Wrong lifting and bending down
  • Use of a bad mattress
  • Poor posture when sitting, standing or walking

Other causes include:

  • Too little physical activity
  • Pregnancy
  • Stress
  • Weakening of the muscles
  • Overweight
  • Birth defects or hereditary factors

What are the symptoms of sciatica?

Sciatica: the most common symptoms

The most characteristic symptoms of sciatica is pain in one buttock or leg. This is often a sharp pain. When sciatica gets worse, the pain can spread from the buttock to the upper leg, lower leg, and even to the toes.

Most common symptoms of sciatica:

  • Pain shoots in the back
  • Stabbing pain in buttock/leg
  • Weakened muscles
  • Sitting for a long time is painful
  • Tingling in one buttock, leg, foot or toes
  • Decreased reflexes in knees or ankles
  • Dull pain (numbness) in leg, foot and/or toes
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